Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Top Leadership Traits to Possess in Business

“Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly follow.”  Every business needs a leader, especially start-ups.  Some leadership must be nurtured while others have it inherently.  Strong leaders have a clear vision of where they want to take their companies.  They also have a firm grasp on what success looks like and most importantly, how to achieve it.  That said, leaders can’t just sit upon their vision; they have to act upon it.  “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion.”  A powerful leader must also possess strong communications skills so that they can get others to follow or believe in their vision.  Commanding leaders are also passionate about their visions.  They have to be disciplined in order to work towards their goals.  Action is the mark of a good leader.  Potent leaders are inspiring and drive others to help pursue their vision.  So what are some character traits of good business leaders?

Integrity.  Holding fast to your core values make the mark of a good leader.  Trust is key to strong leadership.  Gaining the trust of your employees, clients and customers is crucial to any new start-up.  Superior leaders are honest and control their emotions well.  They don’t throw tantrums or have gigantic outbursts.  They hold tight to their morals and ethics.

Dedication.  Strong leaders spend time and energy where necessary to accomplish the task at hand.  In turn, this leads to inspiring dedication in others.  Lead by example.  A leader can show their employees that they are not just corporate drones but rather valued people who are being given the task to achieve something great.

Magnanimity.  This means giving credit where credit is due.  “A magnanimous leader ensures that credit for successes is spread as widely as possible throughout [their] company.”  A good leader will also take personal responsibilities for a company’s failures to live up to or exceed expectations; they won’t blame others.  Acting this way allows leaders to give their employees a sense of accomplishment and makes them feel good about their efforts.  It also helps draw the team closer together.  “To spread the fame and take the blame is a hallmark of effective leadership.”

Humility.  Strong leaders recognize that they are no better than those that might rank below them on the corporate ladder.  A humble leader is able to elevate those around them to greatness.

Openness.  When leaders listen to new ideas even if they are out of the realm of their thinking or their comfort zone, they are showing their employees that they are valued.  “Good leaders are able to suspend judgment while listening to others’ ideas, as well as accept new ways of doing things that someone else thought of.”  Openness builds mutual respect and trust between leaders and followers.

Creativity.  Strong leaders are able to think “out of the box” that often constrain solutions.  When leaders thinks creatively, it gives them a chance to see things others before them have not and can lead on to bold new ideas and innovative ways of thinking.

Fairness.  Strong leaders deal with others fairly and consistently.  “A leader must check all the facts and hear everyone out before passing judgment.”  Authoritative leaders avoid leaping to conclusions.  Commanding leaders always look at the big picture and take all evidence into account.  Employees are more likely to be loyal and dedicated to leaders when they feel they are being treated fairly.

Assertiveness.  A strong leader should not waiver from his/her convictions.  While leaders should always hear others out, they need to remember to go with their gut and not lose sight of their intended vision.  Powerful leaders are able to clearly state their intentions and expectations so no misunderstandings occur.  If a leader is assertive, he/she is likely to get desired results.

Maintain a sense of humor.  Humor is vital to relieving tension and boredom among employees.  “Effective leaders know how to use humor to energize followers.”  Good humor fosters camaraderie and passion among employees.

Visionary.  Strong leaders hold tight to their visions of where they want their companies to go and what they expect of employees.  A leader without vision is merely a manager; they are not inspiring.  If a leader creates a positive vision of the future, they can expect their employees, clients and customers to buy into that vision.

Competency.  Leaders know the ins and outs of their businesses at the core.  They understand the market they are targeting along with the expectations of their clients and customers.  Strong leaders “know”; they don’t “guess.”

Articulate.  Strong leaders know how to get their message across clearly and concisely.  This helps to inspire employees and allows customers and clients to understand what they are getting.

Perceptive.  Powerful leaders are always in tune with the details and little things.  Stringing these things together creates strategy and strategic thinking.  To be a strong leader you have to pay attention so that things don’t fall through the cracks which can negatively impact your bottom line.

Lastly and maybe most importantly, strong leaders are passionate; passionate about their companies, their visions, their successes, their employees, their ideas and their strategies to achieving their goals.

Here are some articles you might want to check out about strong leadership traits in business:

“Leadership Traits: 10 Attributes and Qualities of a Good Business Leader”:

“Leading Your Company”:

“Three Leadership Traits That Never Go Out of Style”:

“Characteristics of a Business Leader”:

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. A good and strong leadership is a key of business success. So, while going to start up a new business, every business should must have a good leader for managing the business and drive at success.

    military supporter
