Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Staying motivated in business...

As a small business owner it’s easy to become frustrated and lose some of that initial motivation you had at the start of your new venture.  Trying to be successful can put a lot of pressure on you to the point where you might even want to give up.  That said, keeping your business motivation is vital for keeping you on the path to success.  So how exactly does one stay motivated in business?

Keep track of your progress and set goals for yourself.  If you want to run a top-notch business, you have to set clear goals for yourself and work to achieve them.  Keeping tabs on yourself along the way will help ensure that you’re staying the course.  You need both long- and short-term goals for yourself.

Keep the big picture in mind.  Remind yourself why you started your company to begin with and what you’re looking to achieve in the long run.  Keep your eye on the finish line.

Set rewards for your achievements.  This is a great way to motivate employees as well.  For each goal you meet, set a reward so that you can continue to incentive yourself and your co-workers.  This will keep everyone pushing forwards to make your more company successful.  Set a timeline for these said goals and keep revisiting them.  Make adjustments as needed and stay focused on crossing each one off your list.

Find businesses to network with regularly.  Look for other small businesses that complement yours and form a relationship with them.  You can bounce ideas of one another and motivate each other as a way to keep your ideas fresh.  Having someone to turn to who has been through the same struggles can be liberating.

Remind yourself why you started your business in the first place.  Re-find that passion you had initially that led you to starting up your own venture.  Get back to basics.  

Stay organized.  Set a daily routine and stick to it.  If you have a to-do list to check off, you will feel motivated to do so and feel accomplished each time you do.  A messy schedule can leave you feeling confused and ready to throw in the towel and makes concentration more difficult.  Avoid feeling overwhelmed at all costs.

Look for motivational aids.  Attend seminars, read business books, listen to motivational speakers.  “These are good at increasing your interest and getting you pumped up for tackling any obstacles” that might come your way.  Maybe even try picking your favorite motivational quote and looking at it daily to derive inspiration.

Develop successful habits.  Sit down at the start of every day and plan your schedule so you know what to expect.  Eliminate stress and keep things simples.  “The more complicated things get, the more stressed out you will be and stress can kill your motivation quickly.”

Remind yourself that a lack of motivation is simply a temporary state.  Nothing lasts forever.  The universe is constantly shifting and changing.  Remember that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Keep in mind what you’re fighting for.  Sometimes it’s helpful to create tangible reminders of why you started your business in the first place.  Focus on the reasons you started your business to begin with.

Get help before you go into crisis mode.  Reach out to friends and family for emotional support.  Keep a strong head on your shoulders and your wits about you.

Lastly and most importantly, believe in yourself!  Sometimes you lose faith in your ability to achieve something or see it through to the end.  Don’t give up!  Keep fighting!  Don’t think about your failures; remind yourself of your successes.

Here are some articles you might want to check out for keeping yourself motivated in business:

Staying Motivated: Find the energy you need to succeed with strong goals and clear vision”:

“5 Easy Ways to Stay Motivated”:

How To Stay Motivated When Business Is Slow”:

“5 Essential Ways Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated & Win”:

Until next time…




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